Is my child ready for school – physically, cognitively and emotionally?
Prepare your child for Kindergarten
As a child, you may recall playing games of hide and seek, tag and jumping rope. Perhaps, you may remember arguing over stickball or creating imaginary worlds, building forts and putting on… [Read More]
Most people think of handwriting or shoe tying when working with a school-based occupational therapist. It is a common but limited view of the scope of occupational therapy practice. Occupational therapy believes… [Read More]
As education continues to evolve, an increasing number of classrooms are adopting an inclusive and integrated approach to supporting students. Educators and school communities are constantly adapting to support the unique needs… [Read More]
The purpose of this workshop was to provide clinicians with the tools to assess the real-life impact that stuttering has on the child and their family by identifying various factors which affect… [Read More]
Last Thursday, November 29th at Archbishop Ryan High School, CORA Counselors Jessica MacKay and Lauren Johnson ran the 9th Annual Challenge Day, a day-long counseling workshop on building empathy and promoting friendship, with the… [Read More]
With the ever-growing pressure to succeed in high school and become what society deems as “college and career ready”, students are feeling a dramatic increase in the need to strive for greatness. … [Read More]
At what point does reading change from being a fun activity to a dreaded chore? Reading for leisure drops off dramatically as children get older, and rates among all children – especially… [Read More]
What began as an informal meeting, has led to an exciting journey in expanding a group of school services. In the spring of 2008, CORA was approached by David Fitzpatrick, the Director… [Read More]