CORA Services continues to celebrate National Recovery Month, as well as bring awareness to FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) in the month of September. Substance use treatment and mental health services are available to promote a more healthier and rewarding life, and CORA is here for you whenever you need us.
But this month is not just to celebrate successful services that are available; it is designed to bring awareness to the many gains made by those in recovery. This awareness (that you’ve likely been seeing pop up on many of your social media platforms, newsletters, etc…) reinforces a positive message that these services will guide you to succeed in your mission, and that behavior health indeed works.
FASD brings awareness to the fact that NO amount of alcohol during pregnancy (or while trying to become pregnant) is ever okay to consume. As many as 1 in 20 U.S. children has FASD. Prenatal alcohol exposure can harm a baby’s body or brain and cause this disorder that can last a lifetime. It can lead to an array of cognitive, behavioral, and physical problems, which can range from learning disabilities and speech delays, to problems with vital organs. Let’s share this message throughout the month of September, and carry it through every month of every year.
If you are struggling with alcohol/substance use, we are one phone call away: 215-342-7660, or email us at