The more that you read, the more that you’ll know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
Reading and writing go hand in hand. To be a good writer, you have to be a good reader.

First Place for CORA Seussville Art Contest 4th grade, St. Anselm School
And writing builds important thinking skills such as how to organize, sequence, and express ideas in a way that makes sense. CORA serves nearly 20,000 children and families each year. One area CORA is known for is providing educators in schools, specializing in academic enrichment in math and reading. In celebration of Dr. Seuss’s March 2nd birthday, and to exhibit the creative work of our students, as well as the positive, transformative impact of CORA’s staff in the local schools, CORA initiated an Elementary School Art contest and a Middle School Essay contest.
Younger children were asked to submit artwork depicting a scene from a Dr. Seuss book. Middle school students were asked to relate a Seuss story to an experience in their life and explain how they related to one of CORA’s core values, individual worth or zeal. Entries were accepted from schools across the state of PA and two winners and three runners-up were chosen, for each category, by a committee of volunteers from our school, community, and clinical services divisions.

Fourth graders Isabella and Miabella and their families at Seussville at CORA, March 2018
Click here to see photos from the Seussville event.
The winner of the Dr. Seuss art contest was 4th grader Isabella Baptiste, from St. Anselm School, in the far Northeast. Isabella was presented her award in front of a large audience at the Seussville Celebration at CORA on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018. Her masterpiece, “Zelf on the Shelf” showcased Isabella’s advanced motor skills with line drawing. Family and friends were excited to spend the day at CORA and expressed their appreciation for the various services that CORA has provided for their family.

Fifth Grader Sasha and her proud mother.
The winner of the Dr. Seuss essay contest was 5th grader Sasha Laventure, from Resurrection Regional Catholic Elementary School. “We all are like poems, we are different but still alike. I’ve always been different and I always will be. I don’t know why anyone would want to be anyone else,” wrote Sasha in her essay. She received her $100 award and recognition at Resurrection on Friday, March 16th, 2018 in front of the entire fifth-grade class! “Sasha is a great girl. She took initiative to write this essay on her own and I am very proud that she won,” said Ms. Braunstein, a fifth-grade teacher at Resurrection.
CORA was established in 1971 to support children and families facing academic, social and emotional challenges.
You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!