Accommodating Across Developmental Stages to Enhance Positive Classroom Management
April 12, 2019
CORA Services Conference Center
CORA Services
8540 Verree Road
Philadelphia, PA 19111
This presentation will engage participants in learning about development stages from infancy to age 18. Issues we will consider: how chronological age expectations can interfere with responding effectively to the developmental needs of the child; how failing to meet the developmental needs of the child can lead to behavioral challenges in the classroom; using the Pyramid Model can reduce reliance on referrals to special services.
Presented by:
Karen Lefkovitz is a specialist in cross-disciplinary planning and using play to inspire learning. Trained as an artist as well as an educator, with a passion for science and the natural world, Karen keeps current on research in brain science, health, and pedagogy. As an advocate for children and the caregivers who support them, her work brings theory into practice. She currently is a Technical Assistant and Professional Development consultant, working across a wide range of childcare settings, observing issues that teachers face daily and need support around.
Cost: $80.00
As a result of this interactive workshop, participants will be able:
• Learn to identify basic developmental stages from birth to 18
• Learn to use knowledge about developmentally appropriate expectations to meet the classroom needs of students.
• Learn how the “Pyramid model” can be used to address classroom behavioral challenges
Intended Audience:
This program will benefit school Social Workers, Counselors, Educators, Principals, Graduate Students, and other practitioners in education who provide direct services and/or parent/teacher consultation for this population.
Credits Offered:
- Act 48 3 credits
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – Conference
10:30 – Break
10:45 – Conference
12:15 – Evaluation and conclusion
Download the 4-12-19 Accommodating Positive Classroom Management brochure and mail to
Ceil Hanas at 8540 Verree Road, Philadelphia, PA 19111 For more information call 215.701.2629 or register online here.
Registration begins 1/2 hour prior to stated program time. Pre-registration is required. Cancellations made LESS THAN 72 HOURS before the programs will NOT be refunded.