Staff, students at Philly ‘access centers’ juggle academic needs with COVID concerns

By: Emily Rizzo October 23, 2020 Bellowing calls of “Mask on!” reverberate through the rooms of Vogt Recreation Center in Tacony, one of 77 Philadelphia access centers serving as a safe space… [Read More]

CORA provides essential services during shutdown – Northeast Times
CORA Services, a people-first organization, contemplates adapting to a time where social distancing is necessary, and how that will impact the services they provide.

By Logan Krum How does a people-first organization that provides essential services to more than 20,000 children adapt to a time where they can’t be in the physical presence of the person… [Read More]

Coronavirus Updates and Best Practices
What families should know about CORONAVIRUS and how to address it with children.
In response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, here are CORA’s policies.
Here is wishing that the entire CORA family remains safe and healthy!

COVID-19 Policies

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