Helpful Resources

A list of resources to help parents, caregivers, & educators support children & youth after a school shooting

From our friends at ChildTrends and National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families, below is a compilation of resources from the NCTSN, APA, Child Minds, and ChildTrends in both English and… [Read More]

September is National Recovery Month – Here are some resources you may not have seen!

    September marks National Recovery Month! CORA’s incredibly dedicated adult Certified Recovery Specialist, Francis Pannulla, hand-picked a list of 3 alternative recovery programs to the widely known AA/NA groups, in order… [Read More]

Staff, students at Philly ‘access centers’ juggle academic needs with COVID concerns

By: Emily Rizzo October 23, 2020 Bellowing calls of “Mask on!” reverberate through the rooms of Vogt Recreation Center in Tacony, one of 77 Philadelphia access centers serving as a safe space… [Read More]

September is National Recovery/FASD Awareness Month

CORA Services continues to celebrate National Recovery Month, as well as bring awareness to FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) in the month of September.  Substance use treatment and mental health services are… [Read More]

Melody Connell, CORA’s Early Years Huntingdon Mills Director, discusses masks and safety issues with regard to young children.

Melody Connell, CORA’s Early Years Huntingdon Mills Director, discusses masks and safety issues with regard to young children. As programs in Philadelphia and across the country navigate the reopening process, see what… [Read More]

FREE Support Groups, Workshops, Client and Board Member Interviews and more!
Don't miss out on our many FREE services!

The vision of CORA Services is to provide new perspectives, direction, empowerment and hope for children, youth and families. 10 weeks into quarantine, this looks much different than we are used to, but… [Read More]

CORA’s Family Resource Line is Open! Northeast Times
CORA Services launches its Family Resource Line today!

CORA Services today launched its Family Resource Line to help the community address specific needs that have arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic. The line offers academic support, such as questions on homework;… [Read More]

Coronavirus Updates and Best Practices
What families should know about CORONAVIRUS and how to address it with children.
In response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, here are CORA’s policies.
Here is wishing that the entire CORA family remains safe and healthy!

COVID-19 Policies

Bullying & Truancy
Know the Rules and Appropriate Procedures

In Pennsylvania, all children of “compulsory school age” must attend school. In Philadelphia, the compulsory school age is six (6) years old- seventeen (17) years old. The Philadelphia School District student attendance… [Read More]

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